One year on the way!
We have been on our journey to become parents for a year now! Time to look back on an eventful year. A year with ups and downs, joy and sadness, and steps to take, even though they are sometimes smaller than hoped.
Which steps we can tick off?
We have a clinic and a surrogacy agency, which are still assisting us at the moment. But the biggest step we have taken in the past year is that we basically have enough embryos ready to fulfill our dream!
After being disappointed by a number of donors, we finally found the woman who wanted to donate her eggs to us! Despite the disappointments, we are now convinced that it should have been like this. We are super happy with our donor, we think it’s a great woman and the results so far are great! There are 6 embryos awaiting to be transfered!

The search for a surrogate
The search for a surrogate isn’t that smooth yet. In July, it all seemed to go very fast. There was a surrogate who would like to help us and we had a really good click with her. Unfortunately, she eventually was unable to help us.
In the meantime, it has remained fairly quiet. In October there was another match! Unfortunately, this was not meant to be. The contact with this surrogate was very difficult and this woman decided even before the introduction Skype call, that this was not the right time for her to be a surrogate.
After consultation with our Dutch and Canadian lawyer, we decided to look for married surrogates as well. After some research it appears that it is not a big problem when the surrogate is married. Provided the spouse wants to cooperate, there is only some extra paperwork, along with the associated costs. We have weighed in for ourselves, that we take this for granted and hopefully we can speed the process up a bit this way.
Wait and wait and patience
2019 was a great year, in which we were allowed to take amazing steps! For now, we have to be patient and wait. In the end, there will be a great surrogate who wants to carry our baby! It is especially a challenge for us to just wait and not expect too much. Not really our strongest side ;-).
Fingers crossed and we hope 2020 will be even a more amazing year!