Ultrasounds and Week 12!
We have arrived at the crucial 12-week mark! About why it’s exactly a crucial mark, I couldn’t find a clear and ambiguously answer. But it feels like we can breathe a little more. Of course it is still very exciting, but I am afraid that feeling never goes away 😉 being carefree is over.
7 weeks and 9 weeks ultrasound
They checked with these ultrasounds if everything is okay, if growth is on schedule and if there is a heartbeat!
Unfortunately, due to the whole Corona shit, it is not possible to travel to Canada, attend an ultrasound and meet Melissa! Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about it and we need to accept it. We count our blessings and we are just over joy that everything is going well! Melissa kept us up to date with what happened in real time, so it felt a bit we did attend.
Actually I already have spoiled the good news: everything is good! We were so nervous and at such moments waiting for the messages from Canada is nerve wrecking. Minutes are like hours.
Hearing the heartbeat was so special! The people who know us, know we are really down to earth, but hearing the heartbeat even made us a little emotional. It’s all becoming so real!
In 2 weeks there was another ultrasound to see if Riba grows on schedule. See below for the comparison between 7 and 9 weeks. What a difference! From 1.3cm to 2.54cm, so small and already a heartbeat!
12 weeks
As already said a a third of the pregnancy is already past. We still cannot believe that at the end of this year we are with the three of us. I guess the total awareness will come when Riba is born.
From 12 weeks onwards, morning sickness will fade and Melissa no longer needs to be on medication and injections. Melissa really suffered from morning sickness and vomiting. At the moments when it happened, we really felt powerless (and also a bit guilty) because there’s nothing we could do for her. Luckily, sometimes she could laugh about it herself.
Also the medication are hard and more than 100 injections in about 3 months at the same spot at your body is absolutely no cakewalk. Luckily she is done with it now! (What an amazing women, isn’t she?, she went through all of this for us!)
Today is another exciting day, the 12 weeks ultrasound. This includes a Nuchal scan. Super exciting and nice that we get to see and hopefully hear Riba again!
Another update soon!